ADHD Coaching: Start With You
Why ADHD Coaching?
Everyone can benefit from Life Coaching with a capable, qualified Coach. Who doesn't have an elusive goal, untapped potential or pressing, unanswered questions?
ADHD people face a particular set of daily challenges due to their unique neurochemistry. Each ADHD person deserves a qualified, caring ADHD Coach. Daily demands of living in a world designed for neuro-typical brains drain an ADHD person. As your ADHD Coach, I'll provide an accurate, informed perspective and a lot of much-deserved grace.
Through Coaching, we'll Start With You to create a paradigm for personal inquiry and successful daily engagement. We'll uncover and design a personal, strength-based blueprint to support and ignite the pursuit of your happy, fulfilling life.

Coaching through an ADHD lens helps you:
• be on time,
• remember,
• stay calm,
• get organized,
• maintain a planner
• work smarter,
• make friends,
• like your job
• have patience,
• pursue health
• fulfill your potential.
As an ADHD person you engage the world differently, but no less successfully once you understand your unique wiring and start working with your ADHD, not against it. Coaching is the missing link between all we know about ADHD and experiencing it as a resource, not a liability.
-This is your invitation-
ADHD Coaching: 4 Key Elements
Start With You is a strength-based ADHD Life Coaching model. A life lived in strength will be happy and sustainable. As an ADHD person, your strengths have likely been overlooked or undervalued due to emphasis on performance challenges.
Sometimes, clients engage my practice out of curiosity and a quest for personal growth. They want to develop their strengths and learn to apply them to improve their daily lives.
Other times, clients find their way to my practice due to a triggering life event. Life feels too challenging, circumstances have become overwhelming or negative consequences loom in the not too distant future. In these instances, our partnership begins at the point of need - the triggering event. As we address the specific challenge, larger themes emerge, presenting the opportunity to repair the present and ay a foundation for a successful future.
Start With You as an ADHD coaching discipline is rooted in 4 key elements:
Understand your unique wiring, strengths, values, and engagement styles to develop a positive and powerful personal blueprint for growth.
Self-Appreciation is the bedrock of growth and happiness. Through reflection and self-awareness, your mindset will shift as you become grounded in an understanding of your innate self.
Your understanding and appreciation of who you are creates a powerful foundation for sustained success. The resulting confidence in your self-efficacy will give you courage and conviction to pursue the results and life you want.
You will know what you need to produce your best results and you will ask for it, if not insist on it.
ADHD Emphasis
In Support of the Neurodivergent
I hold a special place in my heart (and practice) for my ADHD tribe. I personally know the frustration of childhood and adulthood filled with misinformation and unreasonable expectations. A uniquely wired, neurodivergent person engages and succeeds differently than a neurotypical person.
With awareness, information, strategies and support tailored to their unique strengths and who they actually are, an ADHD person can pursue a happy, satisfying life and fulfill their potential.
Meet Coach Bronwyn
Over the years, friends and colleagues have suggested I become a Life or Career Coach. Though I appreciated and was flattered by their encouragement, a career in “Life Coaching” felt ambiguous. Instead, I pursued a Master’s Degree and a sales career, culminating in sales leadership. The success my team and I experienced was extremely gratifying but fundamentally unfulfilling. Something was missing.
When I received a midlife ADHD diagnosis, things changed rapidly. My past and present become clearer. This led me to a comprehensive search for accurate information and support. I discovered the ADD Coach Academy (ADDCA). ADDCA re-introduced the concept of coaching and shifted my perspective to a positive and powerful appreciation of this unique profession.
My purpose as an ADHD Coach is simple: partner with my clients, so they can pursue the happy, healthy lives they deserve. Whether kids or adults, we’ll create an ongoing conversation, free of judgment or external agendas. We’ll uncover and focus on the best parts of who you are, challenging limiting beliefs, assumptions, and outmoded narratives. Our Coaching Partnership will bridge the gap between the status quo and your wonderful, untapped ADHD potential.
Let’s take the first step.
Let’s Start With You.

“A happy, satisfying life is found in the understanding and development of your unique, innate self. Your true journey begins when you stop fixing yourself and start knowing yourself.”
- Bronwyn Foley

I combine traditional education with business experience, intensive coach training, and advanced study in the related subject matter.
B.A. - Theatre Arts, University of M.N.
M.A. - Organizational Leadership, St. Catherine University
VIA Institute of Character
-Start With Strengths
-Character Strengths at Work: Using Strengths to Engage Employees, Clients & Students
-Kolbe Certified Consultant
-Kolbe Certified Youth Specialist
Shanker Self-Reg
-4 Course Certification

Professional Affiliations