College Students

Your ADHD student has big plans for their college career! This exciting, independent time promises the opportunity to fulfill their dreams and pursue their interests. Finally free of daily school, parental “nagging” and high school social pressure, young adulthood beckons and it is going to be great!
Until it isn’t.
Shifting from High School to College draws on every resource available to an emerging young adult. Recognizing and protecting themselves from distractions, prioritizing daily activity, initiating an independent relationship with time and maintaining a healthy body budget may prove difficult. ADHD college students don’t have any difficulty imagining and planning for a great future. They struggle with the details and self-regulation necessary to turn their dreams into reality.
College Coaching will help your student:
- Prioritize and Plan
Develop Healthy Boundaries
Learn Independent Self-Care (i.e. nutrition, sleep, fitness, safety)
Create Supportive Life Strategies
Pursue Academic Success
Live a Strength-Based Life
With the right scaffolding and personalized strategies, your ADHD college student will soar.