Consulting and Education

Estimates suggest we spend 15% of our lives at school and another 30% at work. That’s a big chunk of a person’s life. Each of us brings a unique constellation of strengths to our education and work. Expressing these strengths through school and work allows students and employees to become positive, committed school or workplace force multipliers. Culture gets a boost, relationships grow and workplace or educational objectives become sources of self-fulfillment rather than just work. Your organization – whether a school or business – will reap the benefits of students and employees who leverage their strengths through learning and work.
VIA Inventory & Kolbe Assessment
The unique insights of the Kolbe Index and the VIA Assessment provide educators and business leaders knowledge of the sometimes invisible potential in their students and employees. If the work works for the person, then the results will be exceptional. When you uncover and leverage innate capacities, you take the guesswork out of assignments, responsibilities and leadership. Give them an assignment. Hire them. Change their lives. Invite them to Start With You.